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Friday, January 29, 2010

More on the True Political Spectrum

Varying views on the political spectrum exist.

Here is a highly controversial political spectrum, in which it raises more questions than it answers.

This makes a little more sense than the last spectrum does, but it still makes my head hurt. Nothing is evenly proportioned.

The one I was always taught was the Nazis and Fascists on the Right-Wing and the Communists on the left. This is the most common political spectrum, and the most inaccurate one.

After seeing how controversial these can be, and how unclear they are, it should make your head hurt.

But this is the one I find that makes so much sense. It puts politics on a clear level, showing the left as more governmental power and less individual power, and the right as less governmental power and more individual power.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Having a clear understanding of the political spectrum will help you see the pros and cons of each side objectively. Not only that, you’ll also have a definite political standpoint and be able to defend your opinions more effectively.

    Faith Hawkins
