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Friday, January 29, 2010

My Views Based on Truth I've Been Given

Yes, this is primarily a political blog, but one can take what is learned from religion and apply them to politics. I am a devout Mormon, who takes a patriotic stand in politics. And yes, I am young. I'm a troubled Freshman in High School terrified by what direction our country has taken, and is currently taking.

I am a strong seeker of truth and search diligently for it. My search for truth has given me the current political views I have. My parents are strong conservatives, and registered Republicans. I am currently trying to convince them of the error of their ways. But I am proud to say I affiliate myself with neither party. You cannot accuse me of being brainwashed into the Republican viewpoint because I am an Independent. Yes, my parents taught me core conservative values, but from there I have taken my own path.

I strongly believe so many are led away by each party, and led away from the real issues at the core of our political wheel. Something besides the distraction of the red-blue tug-of-war is at hand. We do not recognize this due to a bizarre lack of reporting among those in the media.

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